Image from Wikipedia
There. I've said it.
I finally said it.
I finally said it in a medium that would last longer than my average twit.
I finally said it.
This coming from a person who was wronged by one of these idiots but, begrudgingly, made to pay because the law is blind to see such predicament.
Some may agree while some may disagree. Some may even bully me 'til they're blue to the face. I don't care!
I have my reasons for saying such and it is in no way a mindless rant.
Think about this for a moment...
All modes of transportation has that potential to harm or even kill a person, animal, or plant.
But through the years people dying from such modes of transportation are decreasing. And it is not entirely due to the technological advancements that made transportation safer. People made it safer. They made it safer by crafting and adhering to rules, protocols, regulations, and norms that make transportation safe. It helps a lot when they dashed it with liberal showers of 'sentido kumon'.
True, people still die from horrific accidents brought about by supposed technologically advanced vehicles. But, mind you, nearly all of it happened when the safety protocol/traffic rules and regulations where bent, broken, ignored, or bypassed.
True, public utility drivers also exhibit the same idiocy when driving their rolling coffins but their actions are motivated by dire economic circumstances. Hence it effectively made their livelihood a "survival of the fittest" with a "last man standing" attitude when it comes to catching that prized commuter.
Big bike riders are civilized and certainly more decent and hence it isn't fair to lump them up with these imbeciles of the road.
At this point let me make one thing clear, I am not saying ALL XRM riders are idiots. There are a few good men who adhere to civility and decency whenever they ride. But a sizable chunk are really, really, rotten to the core. Ika nga, a bunch of rotten apples mixed with a few good apples will make them good apples yucky.
Having said that, let me draw your attention to the topic and the argument I've proposed:
In a nutshell, Vroom-Vroom XRM riders are idiots. Let me count the ways:
1. They are noisy: Too noisy to a point that psychologists would accuse them of overcompensation.
2. They do not know how to use side-mirrors: They swerve from one lane to another without so much as a "How-do-you-do".
3. They do not know how to use their brakes: Whenever some hapless chap crosses their path they'll gun their little engines and race pass them even to the point of hitting anyone who blocks their way.
4. They are color blind: They can't see the lane markings on the road. All they see are asphalt black or concrete gray. Given they don't see such markings, it isn't too far a stretch to assume they do not know what it means or what it is for whenever they encounter one.
5. They have no sense of direction: Sane civilized drivers know innately that left-hand drive cars roll on the right side of the road. Ergo, it is implied that you drive ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE ROAD. Vroom-Vroom XRM riders can't seem to grasp this concept. I think it is alien to them for whenever they ride their glorified BMX bikes they always ride on the left-side of the road. And to make it more thrilling, they ride abreast with cars on the right side while playing chicken on cars driving on the opposite side. What is life without adventure, ika nga.
6. They do not understand what the "sidewalk" is for: For Vroom-Vroom XRM riders, the "sidewalk" or "PEDESTRIAN sidewalk" is an extension of the road and hence fair game to them. This is somehow akin to a Bond-like obstacle course while they race through the city in search for the next clue (ala Amazing Race).
7. They like cramped spaces: Vroom-Vroom XRM riders will squeeze their way thru almost anything just to get ahead. They'll pass on the right between you and the curb (while we secretly wish they'd hit the ditch and crash). They'll pass in-between cars (or trucks) on a double-lane road. They'll pass on the left between you and an oncoming car, after which they'll cut-you off at speed just to switch lanes. They'll make a wide hook (cutting you off in the process) just to turn on the same side they originated. Worse, they'll cut-off an elderly woman with a cane holding a child on one hand and a bag of groceries on the other just for the shrill thrill of it.
8. They have poor vision: That is THE primary reason why they keep their headlights on and keep it at bright. They turn it on even at high-noon, like some signal for a Western-type Duel.
9. They are rude: When they fail to push you out of your rightful lane or cut them off when they try to recklessly swerve into your lane, they'll give you this dirty look and curse you to the heavens saying you've wronged them or violated their God-given right to bully you to submission. Never mind if you weren't violating any law or regulation. Basta you've messed their juju and inadvertently smashed their trip. Never would they apologize for their actions because in their head they think they're right, they're beyond reproach. Heck, even the traffic officers and policemen seem to think they're right too.
10. They do not understand the concept of traffic flow or traffic direction: To these Vroom-Vroom XRM riders, the only traffic direction is THEIR DIRECTION no matter if it is contrary to the traffic flow of the said road. They'll clog the opposite lane just to get ahead of the pack and they'll deliberately ride against traffic flow just because it is too much of a bother to 'go with the traffic flow'.
11. They are perpetual quitters: Vroom-Vroom XRM riders have this habit of cutting you off at speed but failing to maintain that momentum to allow the other motorists behind to move along at the pre-specified pace. Kinda like their taunting you to a dangerous game of tag-you're-it. They also have a nasty tendency of overtaking you but quitting midway 'coz their little engine faltered (or so we think).
12. They are dare-devils at OUR own expense: these Vroom-Vroom Riders protect their elbows with helmets while they zip thru the highway like a bat out of hell. They'll even provoke and heckle you by their near-misses and reckless disregard to the safety of others. The sad part is that when they do figure in an accident and sustained injury, the effin' police will charge you for reckless imprudence. The absurdity of this S.O.P is beyond logic that it came to a point that I sincerely believed that when a Vroom-Vroom XRM rider hit a tree the police will file charges against the tree!
13. They do not know the concept of lane segregation: All motorists know this simple rule: in a highway, the inner lane is the FAST lane while the outer lane is the SLOW lane. Effin Vroom-Vroom XRM riders chose to ride their bicycles on the inner lane at a blazing speed of 40KPH! To top this off, they think it is fun if they do this in groups riding abreast while the rest of us are forced to follow along.
It is with fervent desire that I am able to communicate my point across and hopefully made my argument clearer to you. If not, then I suggest you go out of the house more. You need the sunlight and a bit of exercise.
I'm running low on beer and it is getting late. I'm gonna follow up this post as soon as I can sit still on this spot again, beer in hand.
Thoughts From My Leaking Mind
Random thoughts from everyday observations.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Ban all Vroom-Vroom XRM motorcycles in public roads! Ngayon din!
Manila Traffic,
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Blind and Stupid
Recent skirmishes of the MILF terrorists with the AFP while the peace talks are ongoing is disturbing. The audacity of their attacks and their seemingly brazen disregard to the laws of the land are a clear testament of their true character. MILF terrorists are TERRORISTS! Plain and simple. Like their abu sayaff comrades, their only motive/objective is power. Power over land, power over people, power over riches. Fighting for the Bangsa Moro people? That's a lame excuse to break-away from MNLF and continue on with terrorist activities! Their only intention is to prop themselves up past their rival MNLF counterparts. If their intentions were for the bangsa moro people, then they should have made ARMM effective by running according to the virtues of transparency, accountability, and public service. Instead they allowed ARMM to descend to its pits and continue on with their business of war. War is profitable, war is business and it gives riches to the MILF officers.
Seeing that MILF is all about the money, then why is PeNoy blind and his subordinates idiots in not recognizing this? Peace? C'mon! They're the gangrenous limb that keeps Mindanao deeply infected with poverty! If they're really for peace then why don't they surrender their comrades who murdered soldiers and civilians with such barbaric monstrosity? Why don't they let the wheels of justice turn and give due punishment for those who murdered, pilfered, mutilated, extorted, and abducted? Why?
Simple answer, the hierarchy is in full knowledge of these acts and condones it! War is their business and it is VERY profitable!
As expected, PeNoy lost his balls again when confronted with issues of conviction and principle. Sugar coating Malacanan's pronouncements doesn't hide the fact that PeNoy FAILED to protect and uphold the law! This is also true for the PH gov peace panel who allow terrorists spit and piss pn their eyes and say "that's not polite". They represent the government for crissake! They should be hardliners with these terrorists! Instead they cuddle them as babies and slap them on their wrists for behaving badly. For the citizenry, it means PeNoy is soft on terrorists and murderers but wants the head of the Arroyos! WTF!
Take the case of the Ampatuans, Zaldy spewed the name of Arroyo and PeNoy is willing to bend over to accomodate him! What more for these masquerading terrorists?
MILF, as an organization, does not have the right to represent the Bangsa Moro people for one plain reason: they are TERRORISTS! Their business is to wage war for money. They don't care about the Bangsa Moro people, in fact, they even kill them with indiscriminate bombings! The military doesn't displace the Moros, it is the MILF that displaces them! Their armed struggle for money IS THE CAUSE of military involvement in their communities. Remove these terrorists from Mindanao and for sure peace will follow. It is not the military nor gov who caused instability, it is THEM (MILF, Abu Sayaff, CPP-NPA)! All of them are terrrorists serving the higher purpose of providing money for the comfort of their commanders! Their ultimate purpose is to make their leaders RICH!
So, PeNoy and members of the peace panel, take off your blindfolds and see whats going on. Murder is not an isolated incident. Lawlessness is not a revolutionary cause. Greed for money, power, and land IS THE ONLY MANTRA OF MILF, ABU SAYAFF, and CPP-NPA! Stop coddling these terrorists and bring them to justice!

Seeing that MILF is all about the money, then why is PeNoy blind and his subordinates idiots in not recognizing this? Peace? C'mon! They're the gangrenous limb that keeps Mindanao deeply infected with poverty! If they're really for peace then why don't they surrender their comrades who murdered soldiers and civilians with such barbaric monstrosity? Why don't they let the wheels of justice turn and give due punishment for those who murdered, pilfered, mutilated, extorted, and abducted? Why?
Simple answer, the hierarchy is in full knowledge of these acts and condones it! War is their business and it is VERY profitable!
As expected, PeNoy lost his balls again when confronted with issues of conviction and principle. Sugar coating Malacanan's pronouncements doesn't hide the fact that PeNoy FAILED to protect and uphold the law! This is also true for the PH gov peace panel who allow terrorists spit and piss pn their eyes and say "that's not polite". They represent the government for crissake! They should be hardliners with these terrorists! Instead they cuddle them as babies and slap them on their wrists for behaving badly. For the citizenry, it means PeNoy is soft on terrorists and murderers but wants the head of the Arroyos! WTF!
Take the case of the Ampatuans, Zaldy spewed the name of Arroyo and PeNoy is willing to bend over to accomodate him! What more for these masquerading terrorists?
MILF, as an organization, does not have the right to represent the Bangsa Moro people for one plain reason: they are TERRORISTS! Their business is to wage war for money. They don't care about the Bangsa Moro people, in fact, they even kill them with indiscriminate bombings! The military doesn't displace the Moros, it is the MILF that displaces them! Their armed struggle for money IS THE CAUSE of military involvement in their communities. Remove these terrorists from Mindanao and for sure peace will follow. It is not the military nor gov who caused instability, it is THEM (MILF, Abu Sayaff, CPP-NPA)! All of them are terrrorists serving the higher purpose of providing money for the comfort of their commanders! Their ultimate purpose is to make their leaders RICH!
So, PeNoy and members of the peace panel, take off your blindfolds and see whats going on. Murder is not an isolated incident. Lawlessness is not a revolutionary cause. Greed for money, power, and land IS THE ONLY MANTRA OF MILF, ABU SAYAFF, and CPP-NPA! Stop coddling these terrorists and bring them to justice!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Terrorists asking for their own Afghanistan
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Rock & Roll
Rock & Roll isn't only a musical genre. Rock & Roll isn't a fad, a fashion statement, or noise that conservatives sneer at due to its loud nature. Rock & Roll is a lifestyle, a mindset, a way of life and a paradigm on how we live our life. Forget the cliche' 'sex, drugs and rock & roll', living in excess is permeating on every society / culture / generation. Rockstars just made it glamorous. Rock & Roll also isn't rigid, true rockers transcend musical boundaries and genres and create their own mark without selling their soul. Rock & Roll is the voice of non-conformity, of independent thinking, of individuality, of expression without the pressure of fitting in. Rock & Roll never grows old, albeit it gets better with age. Rock & Roll, in every way, shape, or form, doesn't lose its identity nor it compromises its soul for any circumstance. Rock & Roll may fade today but for sure it will come back better! Like blues, soul, and jazz, Rock & Roll will always be here to immortalize the past, celebrate the present, and influence the future.
Thank god for Black Sabbath's return!
Hope to say the same for NU107.
Thank god for Black Sabbath's return!
Hope to say the same for NU107.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Double Speak
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Saturday, July 09, 2011
Math Riddle
Solve this problem (pls provide a short description of your solution):
"You are to travel from point A to point B and return. On the trip from A to B, you travel at thirty miles per hour. How fast would you have to travel from B to A in order to average sixty miles per hour for the round trip?"
"You are to travel from point A to point B and return. On the trip from A to B, you travel at thirty miles per hour. How fast would you have to travel from B to A in order to average sixty miles per hour for the round trip?"
Friday, June 10, 2011
Imagine this, a burglar broke into your home with his band of merry-men and terrorizes your family while looting your prized earthly possessions saying that they own the place anyway because of some "ancestral right". But when you asked help from the authorities they'll instead pat you on the shoulder and say "Hayaan mo na sila, pakikiusapan na lang natin sila".
Bewildered you ask...WHAT?!
That's how I pictured it when the official mouthpiece of the Pasig River Palace commented on the string of intrusions and bullying by the jaundiced foul-breath Marfanoids from up north. These intrusions are not only to us but to our neighboring ASEAN friends as well. The Marfanoid reason for doing such acts were, according to the emissary, "simply protecting their implicit territory". The map below is the Marfanoid's reference.
- China's Claim Line in the South China Sea: Spratly Islands and Paracel Islands
That map depicting their claim is based, according to them, on accounts by Marfanoid explorers as far back as the Tang Dynasty. Accounts, not actual habitation nor claim, but accounts.
Look at it...closely now...scrutinize I ask you?
Does that look right? Does that look fair?
Even for a simple mind that reasoning is automatically rejected.
Now, I'll offer you my insight on this matter. The Marfanoids are fanatical communists, and a very corrupt one at that. Now is it possible that due to their outmoded beliefs and their satanical corrupt souls they would FALSIFY their supposed historical references and pass it off as authentic just to quench their undying thirst for wealth? Is it possible that they feel THREATENED by other growing countries that they resort to intimidation and harassment just to get it their way? Remember, it is their great leader who aspired to destroy their own culture so as to embrace communism (i.e great leap forward, cultural revolution) and it is the same leader who fosters despots and megalomaniacs out of the blood and tears of their suffering people (i.e. pol pot, kim il sung). And for those who left the mainland would know how corrupt, brutal, and closed-minded their government is (i.e Tiananmen square, Tibet) and how they see themselves as superior over others (reminiscent of the third reich?) by way of pushing their agendas and threatening to roll over the floor and scream if they don't get what they want (short of destroying their playmates toys and giving them the finger while doing it).
With that said, ladies and gentlemen, would you allow this spoiled marfanoid of a brat bully us on our OWN backyard, pissing and shitting while siphoning off our scarce resources, with our supposed "Authorities" sit back and watch while saying "Hayaan mo na sila, pakikiusapan na lang natin sila".
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