"Your honor", the usual introduction for men of distinction and authority. Key virtues that are sorely lacking in our elected officials. Remember the phrase "You're not allowed to talk because you have no reputation!" That phrase came from a SENATOR who, not long ago, was CONVICTED of PLUNDER (together with his CONVICTED FATHER) and made an about "angelic" face after being pardoned by their sworn enemy! That "about-face" was made as quick as a drag queen transforming from George to Georgina ! Not to mention the fact that he is not exactly qualified to hold public office (go figure)! The problem with elected officials is that they hide behind their titles and pretend like they're a reincarnated messiah out to castigate everyone that stands in their way. It's as if the law applies to everyone but himself! Just watch the latest senate inquisition and witch-hunt! Remember, the committee's function is to perform inquiries "IN AID OF RE-ELECTION!" They have no power to prosecute or penalize wrongdoers (that power resides in the judiciary). From that "Moro-Moro" show you'll easily see senators who DON'T belong there (either by their mental inequities or simply being an asshole). They throw their questions to respondents with no sense of decorum nor class. They just throw it AT you, right on the face! They masquerade as a "De Kampanilya" lawyer grilling a witness to a pulp but really are fools trying on clothes not fit for them! Simply put, these eggheads stick out like a smelly pile of dung infested by flies and worms! Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the general is innocent nor guilty but if your honestly searching for the truth then there is no point in berating him nor piling insults at him just because he is addressed as "your honor" and bestowed the title of "senator"! To put this in perspective, they are not HONORABLE! They squander our hard-earned money like they owned it! They lord over us as if we're his subjects and obliged to kneel before him and kiss his feet! They don't listen to the cries of their constituents but instead listen to the devil sitting right next to him! If I we're that general sitting in front of this imbecile, my statement would be as follows:
"It is YOU, Mr. Estrada, that has no reputation. The only reputation you have is that you're a third-rate actor riding in the dying popularity of your equally corrupt father to get your sorry ass elected as senator! Do not impose upon me your "authority" as a senator because I do not acknowledge that you are! In my eyes, you're a convicted plunderer that got a free "get out of jail" card because of your rotting last name! You are NOTHING compared to the other senators sitting next to you. In fact, you are the OPPOSITE of what you purported to represent! YOU DISGUST ME!"- On cue, I will stand up and walk out of the room.
Dramatic...but nailed it dead straight!