Thursday, November 11, 2010


Why is it when you had all the time you want, suddenly you don't know which one to do first? And why is it when you DON'T have time then you conjure all of the things you want to do? Laxity, idleness, and decreased stimulation tends to dull the mind while chaos, confusion, and disorder forces the mind to focus and hence to think clear and straight. That is why we feel more dumb than relaxed a day before we return to our regular grind (work, studies, project), maybe because of anxiety or maybe because our regular grind is uninspiring and routinary. But for a creative mind craving for stimulation, a break/rest/vacation is necessary to "clear the slate" and start fresh. It allows you to think outside the box and tackle things from a fresh perspective. It is also critical that the environment (both for rest and work) is stimulatory with complimentary human interactions to sort of "fan the flames".
Therefore, we need the chaos and confusion of work/profession in order for us to enjoy the lullity and numbing effects of vacation and idleness.

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