Why do people steal? Is it because of hunger, need, or desperation?
If they're hungry, then why are they at risk for heart disease because of obesity? Certainly they eat more than the average pinoy to say that they're lacking sustenance. For some of them, they get to eat at posh hotels, restaurants or even serve lavish dinners on their homes on a daily basis. Just look at our elected public "servants", they usually double in size after they're 3rd term while their constituents sheds pounds often without effort. Are they really hungry to steal from us?
Is it because of need? Maybe the need to payback election favors and expenditure! Imagine, you'll shell out millions of pesos to get elected only to be compensated much like a call center agent? Who in their right mind would not steal from us just because of their innate NEED to recover their investment? Take these few points to hammer my message: (1) Have you seen an elected official or his relatives up to the nth degree of consanguinitywho didn't became insanely rich during or after their term? (2) Why do unsightly elements who were studded with gold but looked like a goon from FPJ's movies surround a hot new politician during their campaign, like crocodiles waiting for dinner? (3) Why do provinces stay virtually the same while their mayor upgrades his car/mistress every year? (4) Why do the VP, a congresswoman, and a mayor of a prominent city ALL have the same surname? Do I need to go on?
Is it because of desperation? I think a resounding YES is in order. Desperate to hold on to power to fuel their desire for power and wealth! Maybe these names will make some agree to my point: Marcos, Ampatuan, Arroyo, Binay, Abad, Cojuanco, Villar, Belmonte... Maybe now you got my drift. That's the primary reason why the "Anti-political dynasty bill" is as taboo to lawmakers as holy water to Satan!
So, are these leeches justified to blatantly steal from us and still have the face to show it off? Are we allowing them to bleed us dry while we labored blood, sweat, and tears just to feed our family three squares a day? HELL NO!
Remind them that it's YOU they're stealing from!
Remind them that it's YOU they're stealing from!
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