Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Alone, a word feared by many people because of its accompanying word, loneliness. Perhaps being alone is being lonely. But some people wanted to be alone for various reasons. Either to get away from stress, to get away from the city, to get away from a troubled home, to get away, to search for meaning, to search for purpose, to find peace, to find oneself.
Personally, I do cherish my moments alone, it allows me to think, listen, feel, and at times sort out the more important facets of my life. It regains my bearings when I've drifted off course and clears my sight to see the horizon. It's my master reset to realign myself to my objectives.
Being alone makes me long for my wife. Her constant presence and reassurance during aimless and rough times is like an anchor that steadies me in the roughest of storms, a lighthouse that shows me the way to shore, a ray of sunshine that lights the darkest moments of my life. Her love and affection brings comfort to the dreariest of places, home in a desolate place, courage in the face of defeat.
Though I cherish my moments alone, I would never give up my time with my wife for anything in the world.

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